first-time homebuyers — News and Opinion — Urban Hillsides Real Estate

first-time homebuyers

Dream For All Down Payment Program

The California Dream For All Shared Appreciation Loan is designed to help first-time homebuyers by offering down payment assistance in conjunction with a conventional first mortgage. This assistance requires repayment of the original loan plus a share of the home's appreciation upon sale or transfer. Program updates include a targeted voucher website launch in April 2024.

Applicants are advised to secure a lender pre-approval letter and take a free online course on shared appreciation. The program's first phase in 2023 assisted 2,182 new homeowners, with 55% identifying as belonging to communities of color. Last year’s total of $300 million was depleted in 9 days.

This year the $250 million program has been designed with more time to prepare. Start early.

For your convenience, here is the program brochure and FAQs as a start:

Dream For All Loan Program Handbook

Dream For All Loan Program FAQs

Interested in discussing how the program works? What lenders we recommend?
Your home search? Other questions?
We’re here to help with no-obligation.

Email us or call us at 323.386.4663

Free First-Time Homebuyers Workshop tonight

Homeowners Workshop_March 6

Homeowners Workshop_March 6

Tonight, the East Los Angeles Community Corporation is hosting a FREE First-Time Homebuyers Workshop in Elysian Valley. The workshop will cover budget and saving tools, government subsidy programs, and credit and mortgage basics.

The workshop takes place tonight, Tuesday March 4, 2014 from 7:00 - 8:00 pm at Dorris Place Elementary School Auditorium (2225 Dorris Pl, Los Angeles, CA 90031).

The mission of the ELACC is to "advocate for economic and social justice in Boyle Heights and East Los Angeles by building grassroots leadership, developing affordable housing and neighborhood assets, and providing access to economic development opportunities for low and moderate income families."

Spanish translation will be available.

RSVP by emailing or call 323.244.3630