Events — News and Opinion — Urban Hillsides Real Estate


Brunch? You're Invited. Saturday, May 26, 11 AM - Something for Sellers and Buyers - RSVP

Brunch and learn!
And if you don't want to learn, that's fine.
Come anyway, we'd love to see you brunch.

Sellers: Preparing a Home for Success
Buyers: Find the Right Lender and Loan - Special Guest Speaker

We'll keep it brief and then follow up with a question
and answer period to answer your specific questions.

We're planning a series of education events to assist sellers and buyers this year. 
At the same time, we always want to have fun and make the events social. 

Join us Saturday, March 26, 11 AM - 1  
for a wonderful brunch with mimosas(if you'd like) at the beautiful

Casita Del Campo
1920 Hyperion Ave.
Silver Lake, CA 90027

Please RSVP - space will be limited.

Brunch? You're Invited. Saturday, March 3, 11 AM Details Matter: Creating Your Successful Plan to Sell or Buy - RSVP

Brunch and learn!
And if you don't want to learn, that's fine.
Come anyway, we'd love to see you brunch.

Our talk will be Details Matter: Creating Your Successful Plan to Sell or Buy.
We'll keep it brief and then follow up with a question and answer period.

We've also added a special guest, Mike Velazquez from The Accountancy, to
discsuss the new tax changes relating to real estate.

We're planning a series of education events to assist sellers and buyers this year. 
At the same time, we always want to have fun and make the events social. 

Join us Saturday, March 3, 11 AM
for a wonderful brunch with mimosas(if you'd like) at the beautiful

Casita Del Campo
1920 Hyperion Ave.
Silver Lake, CA 90027

Please RSVP - space will be limited.