Camp out on the LA River — Urban Hillsides Real Estate

Camp out on the LA River

Ever wanted to explore the LA River with a little riverside campout? The third annual LA River Campout is hapenning on Saturday, May 16 by the Bowtie Project, a post-industrial lot being reimagined by various art projects and uses (like the campout!). Last year my family and I attended this event and had a blast - the campout includes outdoor explorations, stargazing, campfires,marshmallow roasting and, of course, story telling. This year our friend Tom Explores Los Angeles will be leading one of the tours around the Bowtie Project.

First-time campers can borrow a full camping setup, including tents, sleeping bags and sleeping pads courtesy of CA State Parks and the FamCamp trailer program.

The event is organized by California State Parks, Clockshop, Mountains Recreation & Conservation Authority and the National Park Service.

RSVP is required, click here.
