Buy (or donate) inexpensive building supplies — Urban Hillsides Real Estate

Buy (or donate) inexpensive building supplies

AtwaterRestore3 Making some updates to your home? Have a couple of basic projects you're building on a budget? This year Habitat for Humanity opened a new location in Atwater Village called ReStore - an affiliate program of stores that carries new and gently used furniture, home accessories, building materials and appliances at a fraction of the retail price. Proceeds support Habitat Humanity programs like building homes around the world.

In January we got a peak at the new store for an Atwater Village Chamber mixer, but the official grand opening of the store is on Thursday, March 19 from 11:30am - 1:30pm. Attendees get a special goody bag and a chance to win some prizes. RSVP to Whether or not you can attend the grand opening, ReStore is a great place to shop around for a variety of building materials from nails and screws to tile, lighting fixtures, drywall, bricks, ovens and more. The Atwater location is also a donation center if you have any leftover building supplies laying around. AtwaterRestore2  AtwaterRestore4